
My Projects

* You ca acces the Github repository clicking on the project picture.

Correcting Tests App - React Native

A mobile application that helps me calculate my English students grades in a fast way.

Login and Registration - Java

A project that I needed to do for college using Java and conecting to the MySQL database.

Correcting Tests - Python

A code in Python that is used to correct my English student's grades. It has the same functions as the new version in React Native (above). The Python version was one of my first personal projects, and I used it for years.

School Pages - JavaScript

HTML, CSS and JavaScript pages that I also use at work. Here we have other functionalities to calculate the essay's values, material needed for specific classes, along with some other extra information.

Tic-Tac-Toe - JavaScript

Here we have the classic game Tic-Tac-Toe in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

Android Page - HTML, CSS

This is a project where we created a webpage using only HTML and CSS about Android's history.

You can check the page in portuguese here.

Old Page

My previous page. I noticed it had too much text (and unecessary information).

The page can be accessed here.